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Regional school districts, including Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene, refine closure and lunch plans

Samantha Green, right, walks her daughter Madison Green, a 5-year-old kindergartner, to their car as school ends for the day on Monday at Roosevelt Elementary. Officials say school will be closed for at least six weeks to help curb the spread of coronavirus. (Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review)

Post Falls schools will be open Wednesday from 8 a.m. to noon to allow students to collect personal belongings before buildings close down until at least April 6.

“Though Post Falls School District is extremely reluctant to cancel school due to the impact on families, we also realize it is important to do our part to stop the spread of the virus,” the district said in a statement late Monday.

Items that may be picked up include medications, band instruments, textbooks and other instructional materials. Pickup is not mandatory, the school said.

The district also said it would issue communications regarding student meals “and other district services which support our students and families.”

The Coeur d’Alene School District has also released details on food distribution and emergency child care.

All districts plan to issue regular updates during the closure, via their websites, social media or direct emails to families.

Here is a district-by-district rundown of plans as of Monday afternoon:

At Spokane Public Schools, provision for day care will begin soon at 10 sites with priority for children of first responders and medical workers. Groups will be limited to 25 students. Academic support will be through paper materials or online, with more details forthcoming this week. Teachers had materials for students to take home Monday or access online. Grab-and-go meals will be distributed every day beginning Thursday, at 20 buildings throughout the district.

At Central Valley School District, only K-5 children with parents who are first responders or in the medical field will receive priority, with service beginning Monday at sites to be announced. Breakfast and lunch are now available. The district announced 10 sites, with more to come. Homework packets and other details will be provided “in a later communication once specifics have been determined.”

In the Mead School District, food will be distributed once the district sets up hubs throughout where meals can be picked up. Locations of the hubs and pickup times will be announced at a later date.

The West Valley School District is in the process of refining plans for child care for the children of first responders and healthcare providers. YMCA child care at Pasadena or Seth Woodard elementary schools will continue for those already enrolled. Grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches are now available at Pasadena Park, Seth Woodard, Ness and Orchard Center elementary schools. Children must be present to receive meals. School staffs are working on academic support plans.

On Tuesday, the East Valley School District finalized details for food distribution at sites throughout the district, beginning immediately.

In the Cheney School District. plans were finalized Tuesday for breakfast and lunch, which will begin on Wednesday. Child care applications for first responders, medical workers and essential military personnel is available, but a form must be filled out by Thursday. Academic updates on “optional learning resources” will be sent out as resources become available.

In the Medical Lake School District, where a staff member tested positive last week for the coronavirus, meal distribution is scheduled to begin Monday. These will be grab-and-go lunches that include provisions for the following day’s breakfast. The district has created a survey with distribution locations to identify the number of meals needed. The district is still working on a plan to provide child care.

The Deer Park School District plans to offer day care for children, ages 3-13, of health services personnel and first responders, but a questionnaire must be completed first. Free grab-and-go lunches are being provided from 11 a.m. to noon, the district said Tuesday. Academic options are still being weighed, the district said Saturday.

In the Riverside School District, free child care will be provided beginning Thursday for preschool through fifth-graders in families of medical field workers and first responders. Sack breakfasts and lunches will be provided simultaneously beginning Wednesday at off-school sites. An academic plan will be rolled out on Monday, the district says.