CHAS vaccinates more than 7,000 residents at Gonzaga after influx of federal doses

After receiving more than 8,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the federal government, CHAS pivoted fast, asking Gonzaga University for help administering thousands of doses at a pop-up clinic on-campus.
During eight days beginning in late February, 7,261 people were vaccinated on campus at Martin Centre. The clinic was predominantly for CHAS patients, who were eligible to get vaccinated under current state guidelines. The remaining doses were used in community clinics.
CHAS and Gonzaga staff had less than a week to set up the clinic after CHAS received notice of the influx of doses.
“From logistics and infrastructure to volunteer support, Gonzaga has supported our Operations and IT teams in making this a success,” Aaron Wilson, CEO of CHAS, said in a news release. “In addition, they were wonderful hosts for our staff, patients and volunteers. We truly thank them for inviting us to campus and supporting this effort.”
CHAS Health expects to continue to receive doses directly from the federal government, as a federally qualified health center, and will focus on vaccinating patients in their multiple clinics countywide.
Vaccine administration has sped up statewide, with providers exceeding the statewide goal of 45,000 residents vaccinated each day. More than 2 million doses have been administered, and 17% of Washington residents have initiated vaccination.
In Spokane County, 17% of residents have initiated vaccination, and 10% of residents are fully vaccinated, according to state data.
Meanwhile, state health officials are asking any Spokane County residents who were vaccinated at the Arena to make sure they return to get their second dose of the Moderna vaccine four weeks later. Residents who got their first dose at the Arena but have not made second-dose appointments can call (800)-525-0127 for scheduling assistance. The Arena site is open Tuesday through Saturday.
The site is transitioning to get support from Safeway-Albertsons pharmacies, and the Department of Health’s goal is to open up registration for first-dose appointments again later this week.
Here’s a look at local numbersThe Spokane Regional Health District confirmed 53 new cases on Tuesday and no additional deaths.
There are 48 people hospitalized with COVID-19 in Spokane hospitals.
The Panhandle Health District confirmed 30 new COVID-19 cases and two additional deaths on Tuesday. To date, 267 Panhandle residents have died from COVID-19.
There are 27 Panhandle residents hospitalized with the virus.