Health Bulletin for April 7-14 – Survivors of Suicide Loss, Mom’s Group and Mental Health Awareness Walk

Low Impact Aerobics – An ongoing class for seniors. Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and Thursdays at 10 a.m. Thursday, Zion Lutheran Church, 8304 E. Buckeye Ave., Spokane Valley. Free. (509) 926-5407.
Mental Health Awareness Walk – 5K walk for mental health awareness, event hosted by Latah Alliance on Mental Illness, Latah Recovery Center, Disability Action Center NW and 3Forks Bike Shop. Register at Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, 1040 Rodeo Drive, Moscow, Idaho. (208) 882-1444.
Mom’s Group – A group for mothers to enjoy conversation and playtime. For more information, visit Saturday, 10-11:30 a.m. Nurture Lactation, 2607 S. Southeast Blvd., No. B150. Free. (509) 954-5337.
Finding Hope: Survivors of Suicide Loss – An event to support survivors of suicide loss. Featuring guest speakers, a healing craft sponsored by the Plant Project of Spokane Valley, Isaac the comfort dog and food and beverages provided by the Tacos Camargo Food Truck. Free. For more information, contact Tracy Oeser at Saturday, 11 a.m. Opportunity Presbyterian Church, 202 N. Pines Road, Spokane Valley. (509) 924-9750.
Virtual Bladder Pain Information Group – Hosted by providers of Spokane Urogynecology. Get information about treatment options and coping mechanisms for women with chronic bladder pain. RSVP is required. Call (509) 252-4200 or email to register and receive a Zoom link. Open to the public. Monday, 5:30 p.m. Free.
Deaconess Classes – Deaconess Hospital offers a variety of virtual classes for new parents, including Preparing for Childbirth, Life With Baby, Daddy 101 Breastfeeding and more. Visit for details. MultiCare Deaconess Hospital, 800 W. Fifth Ave. Free. (509) 473-BABY.
Early Support for Infants and Toddlers – Provided by Spokane Regional Health District. Services and screenings are available for children ages 3 and younger suspected to have developmental delays, disabilities or special needs. Early intervention service providers evaluate functional areas such as cognitive, motor, social-emotional, speech and language, vision and hearing. Learn more at or call (509) 324-1651.
Holy Family Hospital Maternity Center Tour – In-person tours have been canceled until further notice. To take a virtual tour, visit (509) 482-0111.
La Leche League – The breastfeeding support group has suspended in-person meetings until further notice, but volunteers are available to answer questions. Visit for volunteer contact information and for current events and meeting updates, or call (509) 761-9181.
MultiCare Breastfeeding Support Services – Lactation consultants are available by appointment in-person or virtually. Valley Hospital appointments are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Call (509) 473-5706 to schedule. Deaconess Hospital appointments are available Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Call (509) 473-7056 to schedule. Deaconess Hospital also offers a free, walk-in clinic (including pre- and post-feeding baby weigh-ins), Thursdays 10 a.m.-noon. Visit to learn more.
New Mom’s Groups – Available for mothers of infants younger than 1, as well as mothers of toddlers 1 and older, providing friendship, playtime and good conversation. Both groups are free, open to all and don’t require registration. Every other Friday, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Visit for details and class dates. Nurture Lactation Spokane, 2607 S. Southeast Blvd., Suite B150.
Cancer support
Providence Health Support Groups – Meeting virtually and in person. General Cancer Support Group: for patients, caregivers or family members impacted by cancer. Gynecological Cancer Support Group: for women battling or in recovery from gynecological cancers. Meeting virtually and in person. For more information, call (509) 474-5490.
Look Good … Feel Better – A program offered by the American Cancer Society to help women diagnosed with cancer learn how to apply cosmetics and choose wigs and other head wear. All in-person workshops are on hold. Virtual workshops are available at
Chiropractic care
Free Scoliosis Screening – The progression of scoliosis can be slowed or stopped and reversed in most cases without surgery. Use this opportunity to have your child evaluated. Call Mark Guthrie at (509) 327-8188.
Half Hour to Health – Learn how to improve your nutrition, decrease your toxic exposure and intake, how the nervous system plays a role in your health and how chiropractic can improve your quality of life. Held each Monday at 6 p.m. Clear Chiropractic, 2503 E. 27th Ave. Free. (509) 315-8166.
Arc of Spokane – Various programs offered to promote independence and enhanced quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and their families. Programs are available for community activities, family support, advocacy, training, teen and young adults, and more. Learn more at or call (509) 328-6326.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups – Available in-person and via Zoom. Deer Park: second Wednesday of each month, 1-2:30 p.m. Contact Paul J. Dionne at (509) 290-1816; Spokane North: second and fourth Mondays of each month, 1-2:30 p.m. Contact Paul Dionne at (509) 290-1816; Spokane Downtown: third Tuesday of each month, 1:30-3 p.m. Contact Joel Loiacono at (509) 321-4581. For more information, visit To register, call (800) 272-3900.
Children’s Environmental Health Network – Web site offers information on organizations active in various fields, sources of data on child health and environmental hazards and more, or call (202) 543-4033, email at
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous – Lose weight in a fast and healthy way with a doctor-approved food plan. Meets on Zoom on Saturdays from 9-10 a.m. and Mondays from 7-8 p.m. Kootenai Health Resource, 2003 Kootenai Health Way, Coeur d’Alene. Free. Call (208) 818-4242 or email for meeting information and Zoom access.
CPR, First Aid and Automated External Defibrillator Classes – Offered by the American Red Cross. Visit for class schedules. Inland Northwest Chapter, 315 W. Nora Ave. Cost is $35-$55, call (509) 326-3330 ext. 216. Online and in-person classes available.
Diabetes Education – Community Health Education and Resources offers group or individual instruction on diabetes self-management. Course is for clients and their families who are new to diabetes. Call (509) 232-8145 or (509) 232-8138 for class times, dates and locations.
Fit for Retirement – Phoenix Training offers small classes or one-on-one training for those of retirement age who want more than seated chair exercises. For a full list of class schedules, visit or call (208) 659-1990.
Fitness Classes – Offered by Spokane Parks and Recreation. Classes include Zumba fitness/strength training combo, Zumba fitness, body blast, body fit, abs core xpress and sweat, flex and stretch. Held at various times and locations. Visit or call (509) 625-6200 to register or for more information. Virtual classes available.
Food Addicts Anonymous – A support group for those addicted to eating. All who experience an overeating addiction are welcome. Meets virtually via Zoom Mondays at 7 p.m. Participants can join via video conference or by calling in. Ask for Sue Everson at (509) 328-0702 for information.
Health for All – This community-based health care access project links uninsured individuals and families in Eastern Washington with state health insurance programs and assists those who do not qualify for state-sponsored coverage by linking them with appropriate community resources. Call (866) 444-3066; in Spokane County, call (509) 444-3066.
Heritage Health – Nonprofit health center in Coeur d’Alene provides medical, mental and behavioral health and dental services to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. For more information and to make an appointment, call the center at (208) 620-5250 and visit
Grief Support Group – Offered by Hospice of North Idaho the second Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m. For more information, visit Masks are required. Shoshone Medical Center, 25 Jacobs Gulch, Kellogg.
INHS Community Wellness – Offers health coaching, health screenings and a variety of classes such as Babysitting Basics, Pre-Diabetes, Living Well With Diabetes and more. For a full list of classes and events, visit and call (509) 232-8145.
Ostomy Support Group – Meetings are on Zoom until further notice. First Tuesdays, January through November, 6:30-8 p.m. Visit for details.
Overeaters Anonymous – Is food a problem for you? Do you binge eat for no apparent reason? Is food affecting your life? Free support group, no fees, no weigh-ins, no diets. Call (509) 328-9972 and visit for more information.
Providence Adult Day Health – Offers structured programs designed to meet the needs of physically, mentally and functionally impaired adults and elderly by providing social services, nursing, rehabilitation, therapeutic recreation and a hot meal at noon. Providence ElderPlace, 6018 N. Astor St. (509) 482-2475.
Speech, Language and Hearing Screenings – Resources for evaluating speech and hearing for children and adults. Appointments required. Learn more at WSU Spokane, Health Sciences Building, 310 N. Riverpoint Blvd. Call (509) 828-1323.
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors HelpLine – The SHIBA HelpLine is free, confidential and impartial counseling with trained volunteers to help callers understand their health care and health insurance rights and options. Call (509) 458-2509 at Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington or the SHIBA HelpLine at (800) 562-6900.
Striders – A community walking and exercise program promoting fitness, fun, friends and health education since 1995. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays, September through May, from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at Millwood Community Presbyterian, 3223 N. Marguerite Road, Millwood. Cost is $15 per year and $2 for each exercise class attended. For more information, call Carol at (509) 926-1697 or Judy at (509) 892-1293.
Drug and alcohol
Al-Anon – For family and friends with the disease of alcoholism. For 24-hour information and support, call (509) 456-2125 or (888) 425-2666 or visit
Alcoholics Anonymous – For 24-hour information and support, call (509) 624-1442. Visit for meeting schedules and for more information.
Quit and Win Tobacco Program – Free program offers classes two times a month, flexible quit dates, chances to win prizes at each class once you quit and support to help you quit and stay quit. All classes held virtually until further notice. Providence Health Center, 501 N. Riverpoint Ave. (509) 473-6007.
Nicotine Anonymous – A support group for those trying to live without smoking, vaping or chewing. Meets Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. All meetings are virtual until further notice. Visit for meeting log-in information or call (509) 220-6371 for assistance.
Contributions to Health Bulletin Board should be mailed attention to Health Bulletin Board, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210, or emailed to Deadline for Thursday publication is noon the previous Thursday.