Dear Annie: Avoiding advances from father-in-law
Dear Annie: I recently got married in April of this year. This past July, my husband and I visited his family on a camping trip at an oceanside campground. My husband had his bathing suit on, but I needed to change into mine, so I used his parents fifth wheel (a connecting trailer) to change.
What I didn’t realize was that my father-in-law, “Roy,” was in his bedroom looking down at me while I changed. And I had two bathing suits to choose from. I didn’t realize this happened until I got to the beach and my mother-in-law asked if Roy was still sleeping. I panicked for a second, but then thought perhaps he had slept through the whole thing, so I was fine.
That changed later when Roy came up to me with a big smile and said, “I’m glad you chose this bathing suit.” My heart stopped!
Lately, he’s been calling me “Beautiful” and “Gorgeous” instead of my name. He even winks at me, and it makes me super uncomfortable. I’m embarrassed and ashamed. My husband doesn’t know yet, and I’m afraid he will flip out if he ever finds out. He’s quite the jealous type. I’m not sure what to do and am actually quite angry that Roy didn’t let me know he was in there while I was changing. He must’ve seen everything! – Concerned Daughter-in-Law
Dear Concerned: Wow, this is a difficult situation indeed. Although it will be tough, you have to talk to your husband about the fact that your father-in-law makes you uncomfortable. His behavior is violating and would make anyone feel uncomfortable. If you are to be with him, you have to insist that he stop his flirting and other inappropriate behavior.
Dear Annie: I read your column recently that had the headline: “Al-Anon offers help, support to many.” You printed a letter from a reader who said that Al-Anon was for family and friends of alcoholics.
I am writing to let your readers know that there is a lesser-known support group called Nar-Anon Family Groups. It is also for family and friends of drug addicts, including alcoholics.
Meetings can be attended virtually, which really helps since there aren’t meetings widely available like with Al-Anon.
Any help that you can give to get the word out and possibly start more in-person groups is greatly appreciated. Here is their website: – Nar-Anon Booster
Dear Nar-Anon: Thank you for your letter, which I am printing to help get the word out.
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