Washington’s at-home COVID-19 testing program to end May 11
The Washington state Department of Health announced last week its at-home testing program Say Yes! COVID Test will end May 11, with the end of the federal public health emergency.
Until then, Washingtonians may continue to order free COVID-19 at-home test kits from the Say Yes! COVID Test website, though starting Monday eligibility will focus on Washington communities most in need, according to a press release.
Since the program launched in January 2022, it has distributed more than 15 million individual tests, serving nearly 1 million households across the state, according to the press release.
Federally supplied, free at-home tests continue to be available while supplies last, and insurers are required to cover the cost of eight at-home tests per covered member each month until May 11.
To access free COVID at-home tests visit sayyescovidhometest.org or covid.gov/tests.