Vera Power and Water raising electricity rates

Vera Water and Power has announced that its electricity customers can expect to pay higher monthly bills starting on Tuesday.
The publicly owned, not-for-profit utility has about 13,500 customers in Spokane Valley. In its announcement to customers, the utility noted that the Bonneville Power Administration expects higher costs in the future to pay for inflation, upgrades and increased operational expenses.
“While BPA projects that power rates will remain stable through October 1, 2025, they forecast a possible double-digit increase in wholesale power rates beginning in October 2025,” the news release said.
As a result, the utility is bumping the electricity rate by 3.5%.
For the average residential customer using about 1,200 kilowatts a month, that hike would translate to an increase of $3.57 a month from $106.25 to $109.82.
According to its website, more than 60% of every dollar received by Vera goes directly to BPA, which provides most of its electricity.