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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

Semanko disses health care rally, but not counter-rally

Counter-protesters shout from the back during a health care reform rally in Boise on Wednesday. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)
Counter-protesters shout from the back during a health care reform rally in Boise on Wednesday. (Betsy Russell / The Spokesman-Review)

Idaho Republican Party Chairman Norm Semanko has put out a statement criticizing the "Dispel the Myths/Squash the Fear Rally" in Boise in favor of health care reform today, but it makes no mention of the counter-rally that sought to shout down the main rally. Speakers at the main rally, including owners of small businesses around the state, said they just want to be able to afford to offer health coverage to their employees; several urged protesters to contact their representatives if they don't like what's in the current bill, and make sure something workable gets passed. Jonathan Parker, party executive director, said he didn't attend the rally, and said he and Semanko decided to put out the statement in response to an email from a party member. "For the record, the Idaho Republican Party didn't rally opponents of universal health care to attend this rally and shout down the pro-reform Obama care folks," Parker said. "This was just average everyday Idahoans standing up for what they believe in."

The pitch for counter-protesters to attend the rally went out on the website of the 912 Project Idaho, an online "Meetup Group" that claims "344 patriots" as members and is part of Fox TV personality Glenn Beck's "9/12 Project." Click below to read Semanko's statement.

Press Release from the Idaho Republican Party

Below is a Statement from Idaho Republican Party Chairman, Norm Semanko, regarding today’s Health Care Rally that was held at the Capitol Annex:

"When it comes to the proposed health care takeover in Washington, the only myths and misinformation are coming from the Obama White House and the Democrat controlled Congress. But the American people know better. The Democrats' claims -- that this is not a government takeover, that Americans can keep their current health care plans, that costs won't go up and that the government will not step in and make health care decisions for us -- have all been shown to be false. We stand with the vast majority of Americans that are genuinely concerned about the future of health care in America and want to see things improved, not another big-spending government takeover. Republican proposals which would reduce costs, improve access to health care, and keep the government out of making health care decisions for us are not given any consideration by the Democrats that control Washington, DC.”

Betsy Z. Russell
Betsy Z. Russell joined The Spokesman-Review in 1991. She currently is a reporter in the Boise Bureau covering Idaho state government and politics, and other news from Idaho's state capital.

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