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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

Tamarack saga will ‘play out in next few weeks,’ state lands chief says

When George Bacon, director of the state Department of Lands, made his budget presentation to lawmakers today, he was asked about the failed Tamarack Resort, which recently missed a $250,000 lease payment to the state for the state lands on which its ski runs lie. "They have, for the first time, missed their payment - it was for $250,000," Bacon said. "That would put them into breach of lease and we could take ... several different courses of action to try to rectify the breach. We don't anticipate they're going to be able to pay that money even if we send additional billings. So then we try to find someone else to run the ski resort, or we could latch onto a bond that has been posted to reclaim the site, and we could do everything in between from starting all over to trying to find someone to run it in its current condition." There's a complicating factor, however, Bacon said: That Tamarack is in federal bankruptcy court and in state court on receivership. "Our attorneys have advised us ... we don't have to do anything right now," Bacon said. "This is all going to play out in the next few weeks."

Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.