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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

AARP member survey: Idaho seniors lack confidence in lawmakers

The Idaho AARP reports that its latest member survey finds that 85 percent have little to no confidence in Idaho state legislators to take on the issues most important to them, and that the top three issues the seniors want addressed are resolving state budget problems (72%), amending this year's "conscience" law to ensure health care workers honor living wills and advance directives (61%), and removing the influence of large special-interest campaign contributions (55%). In addition, 46 percent want to hear how candidates would restore cuts to education funding. “The low public confidence in state lawmakers is very alarming– it’s not good for anyone in Idaho, businesses, retirees and especially those elected to serve in office,” said Jim Wordelman, state director for AARP in Idaho.

The "Idaho Election Pulse Survey of 50-Plus Voters" was taken between April 28 and May 17 by email, and received 431 responses. You can read AARP's press release here, and see the survey results here.

Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.