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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

What happened to the attack on Sotomayor?

David Horsey,, (The Spokesman-Review)
David Horsey,, (The Spokesman-Review)

Good morning, everyone...

I held back yesterday's David Horsey cartoon simply because I wanted to see how well Sotomayor held up under the microscope of the world press, if not the conservative Republicans looking for a way to derail Sotomayor's first appearance before the Senate.

However, what I did see were Republicans, including Senator Sessions, doing every kind of hand jive imaginable to avoid creating the appearance of being anti-Hispanic. Although none of them, thus far, would dare attack Sotomayor directly for any reason, they did everything imaginable to create dissent and distrust with President Obama's selection of her as a potential Supreme Court Justice. My, how time and a Presidential Election have changed things!

I believe the Republicans are scared that any dirty business they might do against Sotomayor might come back to haunt them during the next election, that the number of Hispanics that put Obama in the Presidency implies they now have to court the Hispanic vote if they have any hopes, at all, of being re-elected.

That's why I now believe Sotomayor will be approved as our next Supreme Court Justice.

However, the cartoon is right: the Ultra-conservatives, including Rush Limbaugh, are rattling the sabers from within the closet where the Republican National Party keeps them hidden this close to an election.

What are your thoughts on Sotomayor?


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.