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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

Pat Robertson channels Satan…

Good morning, Netizens...

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On his television show The 700 Club, recently Dr. Pat Robertson made the statement that the earthquake and resulting disaster in Haiti was because, desperate to get rid of the French, the Haitians “made a pact with the Devil”.

You can watch the entire segment here:

This video should be required viewing for anyone aspiring to become a religious leader, regardless of their religious background. A pact with the Devil? Is Pat Robertson channeling the Devil these days? Did he perform a live on-camera interview with Satan? Where is the compassion, the pity that the situation in Haiti so desperately needs from people of all faiths? I submit Dr. Pat Robertson's lack of compassion in this video clip is devoid of any resemblance of compassion, and thus stands as a free-fall from grace.

Everyone has a vision of what being Christlike is to them. Somehow this picture of Pat Robertson I found seems more in keeping with his continuing “fall from grace” than the holiness with which he always seems to attempt to wrap himself. I believe it more than typifies Robertson's true beliefs about Haiti in its hour of need.

“Screw Haiti,” Robertson seems to be saying. “Send me money so I can continue to spew garbage like an uncapped dumpster in a windstorm and thus attract the attention I so desperately crave. Oh, and sorry for the stink folks.”

Arianna Huffington said it best when she writes, “"For anybody of faith, even if you're not God, Pat Robertson is giving religion a terribly bad name, again and again. Remember, this is not the first time. Remember after 9/11, when he blamed 9/11 on the ACLU, and People For The American Way, and gay people. So there's a pattern here of blaming every disaster on something other than what actually happened." []


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.