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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

Democrats in the headlights?

David Horsey,,
David Horsey,,

Good morning, Netizens...

Having driven the back roads and byways of Eastern Washington perhaps more than is seemly, it somehow seems miraculous to me that I haven't hit more than one animal that got caught and frozen by my headlights. Cartoonist David Horsey captures a bit of this in a cartoon and dexterously applies it to the upcoming election(s), and in this case makes the Democratic Party the foil of his wit.

Or, if you twist this a bit further and put a Republican Elephant in the headlights, you could have a bit more fun looking at it from a different angle, as it seems the Republicans are perhaps just as paralyzed as the Democratic party, for they haven't decided whether to jump right or left.

The Tea Party movement has raised havoc with the upcoming vote on both sides of the political system. What frightens me, to some degree, is that according to some, they are actually an ultra-right-wing faction of the political all. Do we really need the ultra-right-wing running our government at any level? I submit not.

Of course, there are some, myself included, who submit you cannot entirely trust anything you read (regardless of its source) or see on television these days. However, discernment is always keyed to knowledge and learning, two elements which I believe are often in short supply these days.

Your results, of course, may differ.


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.