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Huckleberries Online

Huckleberries (1/20/05)

5:11 p.m. Extra! Extra! Lake City High now has an underground e-zine. And everything sucks, according to the young Bush-bashing editors. The U.N. sucks. So does the Pledge of Allegiance. Ditto, finals week, Fight for the Fish, Wal-Mart and even vegans and the Bible. Sorta reminds me of Jim Carrey's Grinch on the mountaintop going through the phone book and yelling how much he hates the Whos down below. Still, I give the teens an A for initiative, some half decent writing and more than a few laughs. Check it out here.

1:50 p.m. Steve Badraun and Mike Kennedy had a terrific online debate about the library bond in the "comments" section of the "Hot Potatoes Log" entry Tuesday. Both comments are blogopatumuses (long buggers). But they're worth reading. You can find them at the end of 13 comments here.

1:29 p.m. Notice any differences in the blog?

12:11 p.m. For those keeping score at home, I just dropped two blogs from my blogroll -- and added two: The World According to CDA Dave and Lauren Ladoceour's A Winter of Eternal Sunshine and A Spotless Mind. If you're going to be a part of Huckleberries Online -- oops! (I mean Hot Potatoes) -- you have to produce regularly and interestingly.

12:09 p.m. Blogmeister Ken Sands and I just finished gabbing about changes to this blog -- and to Monday's Huckleberries. They're going to begin today. See if you notice.

9:06 a.m. Concerned Biz moderator Freeman Duncan introduced himself as a "retired grandfather" whom many people believe is dead, adding: "And I hope Dave Oliveria keeps believing that." Hey, I'm just your average guy (with access to a major metro Opinion Page, a gossip column and now a blog) who's tryin' to earn a buck. (But it's good to know Freeman's not, you know, outtahere.

9:04 a.m. Running late because I attended that property tax discussion offered by Concerned Biz of North Idaho. You read that right. If those guys keep presenting practical, interesting discussions of community interest, I'll have to drop the Concealed Biz pejorative of days gone by. They were out there in the open today, baybee. The panel was loaded with heavy hitters: financial Whiz Kid Brad Dugdale (pictured), County Treasurer Tom Malzahn, Assessor Mike McDowell and Steve Griffiths of Jobs Plus. I may have learned something.

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.