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Huckleberries Online

WorldNetDaily Poll: Whattabout Foley Sob Story?

Issue: Foley claims abuse by clergy as youth: Psychiatrist: Alleged act could have contributed to his own behavior with pages/Palm Beach Post

Question: What are your thoughts on the claim Foley was molested as a teen by a clergyman?

1. There's nothing wrong with adult-child sex – it was consensual for Foley then and for the pages now
2. It makes me feel more compassionate – I was never molested so I shouldn't judge him
3. It makes me sad – like most victimizers, he was a victim first
4. It's just more devastating fallout from the clergy-abuse scandals
5. I don't believe it – it's just a smokescreen thrown up by his attorney
6. If it's true, it puts the lie to the politically correct claim that homosexuals are born that way
7. Foley championed child protection in Congress – he knew he was doing wrong and he had the knowledge and resources to get help
8. It's just an excuse like alcoholism – he's responsible for his actions
9. Who cares – our prisons are full of 'victims' who belong behind bars
10. Other

DFO: Nos. 7-10

For the WorldNetDaily news report, click here.

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.