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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

HBO @ Noon: Yearly Physical Exams

Today I go for my yearly visit to the doctor. I'm worried the beautiful, young, skinny thing is going to wonder why I’ve gained so much weight. Maybe she won’t say anything. Maybe all my tests will still be fine. Yikes, I’m feeling like a sneaky little kid about to get caught. You see she didn’t know I smoked so I really don’t want to tell her that I’ve gained weight because I quit. I didn’t exactly lie when I filled out the health form during my first visit when I checked the box that I didn't smoke. I always quit smoking the morning I go to the doctor. Maybe if she says anything I’ll just tell her that I’m pregnant/Frum Helen Back, Hauser Thoughts.

Question: What do you dread most about a physical medical exam: getting weighed, getting naked, blood tests, rubber-glove exams, admonishments by the doc when your blood pressure/cholesterol readings come back, other?

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.