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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

TGIF Wild Card — 10.8.10

It looks like the CAVErs have moved on to another target, now that Mike Kennedy, Dan English, Deedie Beard, et al, have been vindicated by Judge Charles Hosack. Prosecutor Barry McHugh now is in their keyboard cross-hairs for not dealing with all the corruption in Coeur d'Alene that they seem to be the only ones who see. Next thing you know, they'll be talking about giant, 6-foot rabbits. Or singing "Puff the Magic Dragon who "frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee." Hanging out at their blog must be something akin to the Hatter's tea party. But enough of this merriment, it's time to play the Wild Card ...

D.F. Oliveria
D.F. (Dave) Oliveria joined The Spokesman-Review in 1984. He currently is a columnist and compiles the Huckleberries Online blog and writes about North Idaho in his Huckleberries column.

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