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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Matter of Opinion archive for Sept. 18, 2007

TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 2007

Let teachers pack heat?

Battleground: Ashland, Ore. A teacher is battling for her right to bring a gun to school.Her catalyst is an abusive relationship, but she thinks it's a good idea in general for school safety.That would be illegal in Washington state. Should she be able to?

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Gimme an 'A'!

Avista wants to cut natural gas rates. How many letters to the editor do you suppose this will generate? My guess is nowhere near as many as when they raise rates.Why is that? Your theories are welcome here.

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Letter: Widen political gene pool

Career and politician: two words that should never have found their way into the same sentence. Freshmen in Congress are seldom involved in the scandals that plague seasoned bureaucrats. Seniority often leads to contemptuous behavior and the delusion of being above reproach.Headlines of unsavory conduct…

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