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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice

So you think someone in your family insists on getting to the airport insanely early

Well, your candidate for "craziest" might have decent credentials.

But I scoff at any suggestion that your relative is No. 1.

Top this.

Once long ago, quite a few years before 2001 changed everything, my wife and I were about to fly out of Burlington, Vermont, where my late parents lived at the time,

My father left for the airport before we did (we had a rental car to return). Way before.

Let me say that again. He went out to the airport before the people who were actually traveling that day.

I guess he wanted to start waiting to say goodbye.

It wasn't as if the idea of family members flying made him anxious. He had been in planes shot up by German fighters, been in planes tracked by Soviet radar stations near the Arctic Circle.

He just didn't like being late for anything.

The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.