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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice

A word to teenagers

Years from now, people are going to look at pictures of you opening Christmas presents.

And they are going to be struck by your hairstyle.

Why, they will ask, did you think that was a good look?

Chances are, you will be at a loss for an answer.

Hairstyles come and go. But one thing remains constant. They almost all look goofy 20 years down the road.

So here's an idea. When Christmas morning rolls around and someone is photographing the proceedings, you might want to take precautions.

Then, when someone is looking at those pictures at some point in the future, you won't have to put up with a lot of grief about your of-its-time coiffure.

You'll just have to come up with some explanation for why you're wearing a hat. 



The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.