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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Related Coverage, Page 3

McMorris Rodgers: Export-Import Bank needs reform

The Export-Import Bank must institute serious reforms to protect taxpayers before Congress reauthorizes it this year, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said Tuesday. The bank, which provides funds for the purchase of American goods by foreign buyers, is important for thousands of jobs in trade-dependent Washington, she said. But she wants to be sure the taxpayers are protected.

McMorris Rodgers won’t seek Cantor’s spot

The day after the House of Representative’s No. 2 Republican fell to a primary challenger, Eastern Washington congressional candidates were hoping for a boost to knock off the No. 4 Republican. Meanwhile, that No. 4 – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers – said she wouldn’t be trying to leapfrog to No. 3.

Cantor plans to resign from leadership

WASHINGTON — Repudiated at the polls, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor intends to resign his leadership post, officials said Wednesday, clearing the way for a potentially disruptive Republican shake-up a few months before midterm elections with control of Congress at stake.

5th District hopeful Tom Horne challenges Cathy McMorris-Rodgers

A retired engineer and volunteer firefighter who joined the race against Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers on Friday said he’s unimpressed with the five-term incumbent and others in House Republican leadership on issues ranging from immigration to health care. Tom Horne, 65, of Nine Mile Falls, said he wants to replace the Affordable Care Act with a better system but questions House Republicans’ multiple votes to repeal it, only to have the bills die in the Senate.

Dave Wilson hopes for 5th District victory

Spokane businessman Dave Wilson has at least two lofty goals in his run as an independent for Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ seat in the House of Representatives. A triumph in August’s primary would be the first by an Eastern Washington congressional candidate not aligned with either Republicans or Democrats since the state switched to the top-two primary system a decade ago. He would be just the second independent candidate to advance to the general election statewide since that time.

McMorris Rodgers with Seahawks at White House


Republican right condemns McMorris Rodgers remark on ACA

Comments from U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers about the future of the Affordable Care Act published last week have incited a firestorm of criticism among right-leaning media outlets suggesting surrender by the GOP. In an unrecorded interview with a reporter, two opinion-page editors and the publisher of The Spokesman-Review on Thursday, McMorris Rodgers was asked whether the news that 600,000 Washington residents had signed up for new health care plans through the state exchange signaled that “Obamacare” was here to stay.

Editorial: Optimistic words not enough to make urgent immigration fix

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers made some welcome remarks last week about the prospects for immigration reform. But infighting among her fellow Republican leaders suggests legislation will not be on the floor soon. While she was telling The Spokesman-Review editorial board some reform measures could be ready by August, House Speaker John Boehner was comically candid about the appetite his Republican colleagues have for taking the politically painful votes that will be necessary.

McMorris Rodgers says ACA likely to stay

With the news this week that more than 600,000 Washington residents have acquired new health care plans through the state exchange, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said it’s unlikely the Affordable Care Act will be repealed. “We need to look at reforming the exchanges,” the Eastern Washington Republican said Thursday.

U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers launches re-election campaign

Cathy McMorris Rodgers made her re-election campaign official Monday, announcing she’ll seek a sixth term in the House of Representatives. The announcement is a formality as the Spokane-area Republican has already collected some $1.3 million for the upcoming campaign since the 2012 election ended.

McMorris Rodgers makes 2014 bid official


McMorris Rodgers raises 12 times the money as her foe

WASHINGTON – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers has raised about 12 times as much money as her Democratic challenger in the first three months of this year, reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission show. Joe Pakootas, chief executive officer of the Colville Tribal Federal Corporation, brought in campaign contributions of $28,951 between January and March, while McMorris Rodgers raised $363,324.

Spin Control: Small number of debates saved taxpayers big bucks

Cathy McMorris Rodgers may or may not get the House of Representatives equivalent of 20 lashes with a wet noodle for improperly mixing campaign business with congressional business. But documents released from an official investigation into a disgruntled former employee’s complaint make one thing clear: By limiting debates with opponents in the 2010 and 2012 campaigns, McMorris Rodgers wasn’t showing a lack of political courage; she was being a good steward of the public treasury.

Ethics committee won’t review allegations against Rep. McMorris Rodgers

WASHINGTON – The House Ethics Committee said Monday it will not appoint a special panel to investigate allegations that Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the fourth-highest-ranking House Republican, improperly combined campaign and official funds in a GOP leadership race and her re-election campaign. The committee’s top two leaders, Reps. Michael Conaway, R-Texas, and Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., said they will not formally drop the case against McMorris Rodgers but will continue to review the matter under their own authority.

McMorris Rodgers ethics investigation turns up evidence

WASHINGTON - The House Ethics Committee said Monday it will not appoint a special panel to investigate allegations that Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the fourth-highest ranking House Republican, improperly combined campaign and official funds in a GOP leadership race and her re-election campaign. The committee’s top two leaders, Reps. Michael Conaway, R-Texas, and Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., said they will not formally drop the case against McMorris Rodgers, but will continue to review the matter under their own authority. In practical terms, the decision means it is unlikely that McMorris Rodgers will face charges or sanctions.

Spokane Veterans Affairs hospital brings budget concerns to Sen. Patty Murray

WASHINGTON – Staff shortages and the worry of possible budget cuts prompted local managers at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Spokane to ignore the chain of command and take their concerns straight to U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, who put pointed questions to senior officials during a Wednesday hearing. The problems of treating veterans returning from 13 years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq are vexing VA hospitals and staff, as suicides, violent outbursts and other war-related medical problems mount.