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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Sports >  Outdoors

Ammi Midstokke: A house of clocks

My grandmother liked clocks. In fact, I’d say she had a sort of fascination with timekeeping, as if it was responsible for her productivity or a marker of her success.

Sports >  Outdoors

Grab and go

An osprey plucks a trout from Fernan Lake in this April 12 photo by Mark Stoeser.

A Grip on Sports: Even if one travels back in time to a long-ago era of pitching dominance, what the M’s starters are doing now stands out

A GRIP ON SPORTS • Whenever folks begin using the word historic in a baseball context, our wait-a-minute antenna begin to twitch. Are we talking five-minutes-ago historic, as is the case often? Or are we using the Wayback Machine for some real depth? When it comes to the recent stretch by the Mariners’ starting pitchers, it’s actually the latter.