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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

A Chance For World To Snub Radicals Anti-Conference Human Rights Abuses Should Be Denounced Through A Boycott

A woman who truly believes in women’s rights never would attend the fourth United Nations Conference on Women in totalitarian China.

Rather, she’d denounce a police state where infant girls are murdered by parents looking for a male heir under the government’s “one-child policy.” And where women routinely are sterilized or forced into having abortions.

She would lambaste Beijing for harvesting organs from prisoners, for torturing children of Tibetan independence supporters and for jailing American dissident Harry Wu.

But the radical feminists who hold sway over the American delegation no more reflect the common values of the United States’ 130 million women than would a bunch of Christian fundamentalists led by conservative firebrand Phyllis Schafly.

Do most American women believe “alternative lifestyles” should be promoted? Certainly not. But the U.S. delegates and the draft manifesto they helped craft do. Does Everywoman believe, like her ultraliberal sisters, that there should be 50-50 male-female quotas for all elected and appointed officials? Probably not. Do U.S. mothers, wives and daughters believe, as these social radicals do, that parents have no business imposing their morals and values on their own children? No.

Our delegates may not support the means to China’s population control, but they certainly back the ends. That’s why Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bella Abzug & Co. can crawl into bed with an anti-female monster, Peng Peiyun, the conference co-planner and supervisor of China’s one-child policy. The National Review described Peng Peiyun’s involvement as “the moral equivalent of naming Bull Connor to chair the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.”

Western elitists are using the conference as a ruse in another attempt (they failed last year in Cairo) to export a bankrupt social agenda of sexual liberation and abortion.

A month ago, Pope John Paul II better pinpointed Everywoman’s wants when he called for equal pay for equal work, protection for working mothers, fairness in career advancement, equality for spouses when it comes to family rights and laws to protect women from sexual violence and exploitation.

Now, that’s an agenda most American women - and men - can support - but not at a conference with China as the host.

, DataTimes MEMO: For opposing view, See headline: A chance for women to share power

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For opposing view, See headline: A chance for women to share power

The following fields overflowed: SUPCAT = EDITORIAL, COLUMN - From Both Sides