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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Best Voice In The Aria Opera Competition Draws Hopefuls From Around The Region

Jessica Bowers strode onto the stage Saturday afternoon in a royal blue dress. She greeted the crowd in a noble voice, held her head high and began to sing. In Italian.

Her arms arched out from her sides defiantly. Her voice resonated through the auditorium as the audience of 80 sat hushed.

Bowers leaned forward, then back, flowing with the emotion of the Italian opera, “Semiramide.” Her voice rose with the music, peaked and dropped back down. She proudly bowed and marched off the stage.

Three hours later, the 21-year-old Whitworth College opera student won highest honors in the Metropolitan Opera’s District Audition. The district includes Eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana.

Bowers and three others - Cathleen Dunn of Kennewick, Marianne Saunders of Caldwell, Idaho, and Kari Ragan of Kirkland - were chosen to advance to a regional competition in Seattle on Feb. 19. One person from that contest goes on to finals in New York City.

The judges consider voice quality, volume, personality, vocal communication and a host of other factors. They stress the contestant’s readiness for an operatic career.

“That’s my plan, it seems like forever,” Bowers said afterwards, words tumbling out in a release of nervous energy. “Every time you win something, it’s great encouragement.”

The nine competitors ranged in age from 21 to 32 and came from as far as Missoula and Pocatello, Idaho. They came recommended by voice instructors throughout the region.

Four Idaho State University students traveled to Spokane together. Sitting in the last row of the auditorium at Spokane Falls Community College, they laughed, joked and nervously rated each performance.

One by one, they took the stage, singing in German, Italian, French and English, from operas by Mozart, Strauss, Verdi and others.

Returning to their seats, they hugged, praised and congratulated each other.

“You didn’t have to worry,” said Amy Jo Hunsaker, 23, to Chanjoo Baik, 24. “You were so relaxed up there.”

Although none of the four was chosen for the regional competition, all learned from the experience, said voice instructor Sherrill Redd.

What was good for the performers was great for the crowd.

“You can hear the best opera that you’re going to hear, really anywhere,” said Gail Kalk, of Spokane.