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Favorite Summer Foods Just Seem To Taste Better At The Lake

Rick Bonino Food Editor

Summer is unofficially under way, and once again it seems like half the city is heading to the lake for the weekend.

It’s the stuff fond memories are made of: the swimming, the food, the hiking, the food, the boating, the food …

Linda Hunt and Linda Sharman of Spokane, summer residents at Priest Lake, hope to capture it all in a cookbook called “Feast by the Waters.”

They’re looking for favorite lake recipes - and, just as importantly, the family anecdotes that go along with them - from all Priest Lake lovers, cabin dwellers and campers alike. “It’s much more than just a cookbook,” says Hunt. “It’s treasured memories.”

Send your recipes and accompanying stories to: Linda Hunt, 9115 N. Mountain View Lane, Spokane, WA 99218 (467-0748). Be sure to give your name, address and phone number (including lake address and phone, if applicable).

Hunt hopes to have the cookbook close to finished by the end of summer. But let’s not think about that quite yet.

Tom for a test

June, of course, also marks National Turkey Month, that annual tribute to …

What’s that? You thought Thanksgiving was turkey time? Guess you flunked Marketing 101; there’s no need for gimmicks to move turkey in November, but in June, that’s another story.

Anyway, instead of throwing an array of fun facts at you, we’re going to be interactive and give you a gobbler quiz, adapted from the National Turkey Federation’s version (answers at the end of this column):

1. What is the scientific name for the American wild turkey? (a) Meleagris gallapovo; (b) Ornitholestes; (c) Stevus Hassonus.

2. How much turkey do we consume per person each year? (a) 12 pounds; (b) 18 pounds; (c) 16 tons, and what do you get?

3. What is the bright red appendage at the neck of a turkey called? (a) wattle; (b) beard; (c) a Calvin Klein.

Udder confusion

So where’s the beef? According to a survey for the National Cattlemen’s Association, it’s found in four of the top six lunch and dinner entrees in America: pizza, ham sandwich, hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, steak and hamburger. (Funny, we never knew peanut butter came from cows.)

The poult says …

Now, for those answers: 1, a; 2, b; 3, a. And if you answered “c” to anything, congratulations; it’s your month, too.

, DataTimes MEMO: We’re always looking for fresh food news. Write to: The Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.

We’re always looking for fresh food news. Write to: The Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.