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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Russian Troops May Move South Soon

Compiled From Wire Services

Russian forces captured a road linking two rebel-held villages Sunday, signalling an imminent ground assault on the south of breakaway Chechnya.

The Chechen military commander, meanwhile, ruled out peace negotiations after Russian officers failed to appear for scheduled talks on Saturday. “I think we’ve probably had enough of peace talks,” said Gen. Aslan Maskhadov.

Russian Interior Ministry troops dug in positions for five tanks and several armored personnel carriers on a six-mile stretch of road between the villages of Samashky and Achkhoy-Martan, west of the Chechen capital of Grozny.

The new outpost effectively cuts off Samashky from other rebel-held areas.

The Russian military command in Mozdok, outside Chechnya, said the road was captured after artillery and air strikes on rebel positions. It appeared to have been taken with no resistance.