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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Board Of Education’s Success In Getting Federal Goals 2000 Funds Pleases Senator

Associated Press

The state Board of Education’s decision to accept federal Goals 2000 money for Idaho’s public schools has the approval of a legislator who pushed for the funding.

Sen. Gary Schroeder, R-Moscow, tried to pass legislation requiring Superintendent of Public Instruction Anne Fox to accept the $448,000 for Idaho schools. That bill was turned back in the House.

But the state board was able to accomplish it, Schroeder said.

“I’m pleased to see that the Board of Education had the courage to do what the Legislature didn’t have the courage to do,” he said.

During the legislative session, Schroeder found himself at odds with Republican Fox on a number of occasions.

He said there were three issues he had problems with, including Goals 2000, the education department’s inability to provide the Legislature with information and Fox’s decision to eliminate the coalition of teachers, superintendents and the parent-teachers association.

“It took us years to get them all to the table,” he said.

Schroeder took some heat for his public criticism of Fox, with some angered by his criticism of a fellow Republican.

But Schroeder said he is unsure what Fox is doing falls under the platform of the Republican Party.

“Maybe she should resign from the Republican Party and acknowledge she’s part of that militia group,” he said.

Fox has met with the U.S. Militia Association and acknowledged the group assisted her during her campaign.