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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho Sets Seasons

Associated Press


Idaho’s 1995 big game hunting regulations include more controlled hunt permits and muzzleloader opportunities.

But most dates remain unchanged from 1994 in seasons set by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission.

Elk controlled hunt permits rise from 22,950 to 24,130, as well as “unlimited permit” hunts. Most of the elk hunting increases are targeted to areas where expanding herds are damaging farm crops.

Controlled hunt permits for deer were increased from 6,335 to 6,835, plus the unlimited permit hunts.

Muzzleloader hunters will find their opportunities are better. Six new elk hunts for muzzleloaders will be available.

The number of antelope permits was trimmed in some areas because of smaller herds.

Bear hunters will see slight changes, especially where dates were altered because of closed hound seasons during general rifle hunts for deer and elk.

The rule booklet is scheduled for release at the end of May. The application period for deer, elk, antelope and black bear is from June 1 through June 30.

To apply by credit card, the number is 1-800-TAG-DRAW, beginning in June.