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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Shoemaker, Angelo Land On Top In Match Play

Mike Vlahovich Staff Writer

Ladies golf Women’s club champions were determined at two courses last week when Adrienne Shoemaker won the Liberty Lake 9-Hole title and Patsy Angelo won at Valley View Golf Course.

Shoemaker defeated Joan Leighton in the culmination of three weeks of match play at Liberty Lake.

In flight one, Marty Liebelt beat Wanda McHugo, in flight two, Goldie Costanzo beat Mary Gehrman,

Flight three winner was Janice Mahoney over Jean Skredsvig and in flight four, Betty Trembly beat Elberta Walker.

Consolation winner was Ellen Bohannan with a net 32.

At Valley View, Angelo captured her title with a match victory over Joyce Jacobs.

First flight was won by Pat Thompson over Genevra Barrett and second flight went to Nola Russell over Pat LaCroix.

During regular weekly play, Anne Meyers shot low gross 48.

Net winners were Gladys Alden in A flight with 37, Lorriene Rankin in B flight with 31 and LaCroix in C flight with 33.

Ties reported at Painted Hills

During Painted Hills Ladies Club competition last week, the A flight ended in a series of ties.

Terri Schmarr and Danice Deckard shared low gross honors with 49 in A flight. Net winners were Cheryl McCarthy and Karen Hunt who tied at 38.

In B flight, Sharon Halsey had low gross 53. Jennifer Radke and Leslie Zilka tied with net 40s.

Low gross winner in C flight was Jane Dashiell with 62, including a chip-in on 14. Carol Grebe netted 39.

D flight low gross leader was Jane Pederson and net winner was Angie Schauer.

Another chip-in, on the 16th hole, was recorded by Dorothy Dinius.

, DataTimes