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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Workshops Help Explain Bible Wisdom

Do you find making sense of the Bible a challenge?

If so, you’re in good company. For many, a few “thees” and “thous” go a long way. And even the newer common-language versions can still be perplexing, too.

Precept Ministries, a Tennessee-based group that has been teaching Bible study and church leadership skills since 1970, might be able to help. Precept workshops are usually held in a particular area just once per year.

Berean Bible Church, 10910 E. Boone in the Valley, will sponsor the workshops this year. Although the event doesn’t happen until May, registration forms should be received by April 25.

“It’s a wonderful tool to learn to study the Bible on your own, and for me it’s been life-changing,” says Laura Lee, who has attended multiple workshops before. “It’s a real special time, and normally it draws people from the whole Northwest.”

All the more reason to get those forms in early, she says.

The workshops themselves will be held May 16, 17 and 18. For registration forms and more information, call 924-2821.

Bible info web site, help line

If you’re not up to registering for a workshop, you could boot up your PC. Easier still for some, just pick up the phone.

The big banner out front Valley Adventist Church reads at the corner of Pines and Mission declares “It’s in the Bible,” then gives a 1-800 number and an Internet address for seekers to try.

The 1-800 number is a service provided by the Adventist denomination, and the Web site is sponsored here.

Either way, you’ll get a list of options. You can ask for a prayer request, leave questions about the Bible, even order free study guides.

The number is 1-800-97-BIBLE. The web address is

Otis Lutheran group gets award

The Otis Orchards branch of the Aid Association for Lutherans received a Gold Star rating award by the national fraternal organization.

The AAL has 9,152 branches and 1.7 million members nationwide.

Getting a Gold Star rating is a lot of work. Volunteers must sponsor a community fundraiser or other project and conduct ast least 12 meetings, sponsor an educational activity and one member awareness event.

Officers of the Otis branch are Edward Rieger, Eleanor Murray, Jo Anne Rieger and Wilbur Ostendorf.

The AAL provides volunteer service opportunities and insurance policies to its members.

, DataTimes