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Take A Seat, Carl, For Sake Of Olympic Games Keep Him Off Track

Bob Verdi Chicago Tribune

Given the option of a gallant and triumphant Olympic farewell or a contrived method to decorate his trophy case further, Carl Lewis has chosen the latter.

Shame on him, and shame on U.S. team officials if they buckle under to Lewis’ belated and selfish whim by allowing him to participate in Saturday’s 400-meter relay final.

This is not about Lewis’ place in history, which is secure. Since he arrived, King Carl has been a peerless performer in track and its tedious partner, field. Lewis reinforced his legend Monday night by winning his fourth consecutive Olympic gold medal in the long jump and ninth overall at age 35.

After that brilliant display - “the highlight of my career” - Lewis reiterated his plans to retire with the memory of 80,000 fans cheering him on, an expression of public approval he has rarely enjoyed.

Only in passing did Lewis mention that, well, yes, it might be nice to run one more time and settle for a nice round number like 10.

Lewis said he wasn’t going to press the issue but, regrettably, he evidently has had second thoughts. Since Tuesday, he has been pressing the flesh with a battery of pronouncements and talk show appearances.

Lewis’ 11th hour campaign not only is utterly unbecoming of a great champion, it is flashback to his arrogant and manipulative youth. Just when Americans wanted to embrace Lewis as the finest athlete in the classic Olympic endeavors, he regresses to become a gray-haired clone of the Me First generation.

This is not to diminish Lewis’ spirit or to push him out the door. He can’t be accused of suffering from arena addiction when he still wins. But if, indeed, he hasn’t had enough Olympic competition, let him prepare for the Sydney Summer Games of 2000.

As for his relay aspirations, however, Carl Lewis does not belong. He did not practice with the team, he wasn’t named to the team, he doesn’t deserve a spot on the team, by politics or acclamation. What Lewis accomplished Monday night has nothing to do with what other American athletes are trying to accomplish Saturday night.

Erv Hunt, the venerable U.S. men’s track coach, says what’s fair is fair. His relay team is Jon Drummond to Leroy Burrell to Mike Marsh to Dennis Mitchell. They didn’t show up in Atlanta. They toiled for this moment; they have existed for this moment.

What are they supposed to do, draw straws because Carl Lewis says he craves one more trip down memory lane to satisfy his ego? The same Carl Lewis who didn’t have time, or the times, to train with them? The same Carl Lewis who now says “people think I have the right to run”?

No. Carl Lewis has the right to speak, to politic, to stir the pot. But he has not have the right to barge in and exert his star power. Even Michael Jordan goes to practice.

Unfortunately, the pressure is not on Carl Lewis to cease and desist. The pressure is on Erv Hunt, and he did say that if, by some quirk of fate, one of his regulars pulled a groin or felt a tummy ache, Lewis would be considered.

Of course, NBC is ready and drooling at this prime time possibility. But if it happens, it will represent everything that’s insincere and repugnant about the Olympics.

Take a seat Saturday night, Carl Lewis. It will be better than going home with a 10th gold medal and an asterisk.
