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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Vehicle Registration Fees Increasing

Associated Press

Starting Jan. 1, it will cost more in state fees to register motor vehicles.

The increases range from $11.52 for cars two years old or newer, to $1.52 for 7 to 8-year-old vehicles.

The registration boost was part of a package that included a 4-cent-per-gallon state fuel tax increase approved by the Legislature.

The increase in the fuel tax and registration fees will generate an estimated $33.9 million annually.

The Legislature designated the first $6 million from the increased revenue to match federal highway and disaster funds to repair highways and associated facilities damaged in last winter’s North Idaho floods.

Taxes on motor vehicle fuels are expected to generate $26.4 million per year and the registration fee increase will bring in another $7.5 million per year.

All additional revenue generated by the new taxes will go to a restricted highway fund, established to ensure that increases in highway user taxes and fees are spent only on construction and maintenance of highways, bridges and railroad crossings.

The new revenue will provide $600,000 per year to off-road users, such as the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Waterways Fund and search and rescue operations.

The Transportation Department will get an extra $13.65 million per year besides the $6 million this year in emergency funds and cities, counties and highway districts will divide another $13.65 million per year.

New registration fees range from $48 for cars 2 years old and newer to $24 for vehicles at least 8 years old.

Total registration fees include county administration, highway district fees, mailing fees and a charge for emergency medical services.

xxxx GOING UP The increases range from $11.52 for cars 2 years old or newer, to $1.52 for 7- to 8-year-old vehicles. New registration fees range from $48 for cars 2 years old and newer to $24 for vehicles at least 8 years old.