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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Getting Down To Basics Of Computers

Bill Gates New York Times

Q. I am 16 years old and want to be a computer programmer when I grow up. What do you think is the best programming language to learn? (Josh Baugher, Elkton, Va.,

A. Without a doubt, the first programming language to learn is BASIC. It is straightforward, relatively simple and has evolved to support modern elements such as visual interfaces and objects.

Learning BASIC demystifies computing. I recommend it to people of any age who want to get a sense of how computers work - and a grasp of what a computer can and can’t do well.

A working knowledge of BASIC is useful even for people who don’t expect to become programmers. People who do expect to be programmers, and who have gained thorough familiarity with BASIC, can move on to a harder-core language such as C-plus-plus, or a variant of C-plus-plus such as Java. But BASIC is the right place to start.

Q. I am 14 years old, female and studying Information Systems at school. In four years when I finish my education what are the probable career opportunities in computing given the rapid changes that are taking place? (

A. There will be a wealth of opportunities relating to software. For example, supporting all the people who use software will be a huge business and career opportunity.

Software companies hire support engineers, and many companies devote personnel to helping their own employees.

Beyond supporting individuals, some people build great careers out of helping companies figure out how to use information systems to the best advantage. These opportunities will only grow.

Fortunately, at age 14 you don’t really need to pick one computer-related opportunity over another.

Stay open-minded - you might surprise yourself. Is it medical use of computers? Is it computers in museums? Is it business analysis software? There are many ways you can go.

Q. Do you think that PC technical support will eventually become an obsolete field? I envision PCs diagnosing and fixing themselves. Plus, future generations will be more in tune with how a PC works or doesn’t work. (Michael Moyle, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, moylem(at)

A. Technical support is about as safe a career bet as you can make.

A few decades ago when automobiles started getting much more reliable, someone might have asked, “Are we still going to need auto mechanics?” We do, of course. Similarly, PC tech support will always be important.

Q. I read in a newspaper that in 1981 you said, “640K of memory should be enough for anybody.” What did you mean when you said this? (L. Marshall,

A. I’ve said some stupid things and some wrong things, but not that. No one involved in computers would ever say that a certain amount of memory is enough for all time.

The need for memory increases as computers get more potent and software gets more powerful. In fact, every couple of years the amount of memory address space needed to run whatever software is mainstream at the time just about doubles. This is well-known.

Q. I just purchased a 28.8 kilobits-per-second modem. Should I start saving my money for a faster modem (when developed)? Or do you think 28.8 is the fastest manufacturers are going to come out with? (Douglas E. Mackert, WALLEYE(at)

A. Probably the fastest conventional telephone dial-up modem you’ll ever have is 28.8.

Within a few years you are likely to graduate to an ISDN connection, probably offered by a telephone company, or a cable connection offered by a cable-TV company. These will provide much-greater data speeds than can be achieved through a conventional telephone line. xxxx