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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Edmund Yarwood Named College Of Letters Dean

Edmund Yarwood has been named dean of the Eastern Washington University College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences.

Yarwood, an EWU professor of Russian and English, has served as interim dean since 1995. He has been executive director of the English Language Programs and Overseas Studies, chairman of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, and vice provost for faculty research and development.

He has published a book and articles on 19th century Russian literature and is a frequent reviewer of books for Choice Magazine.

Paul Bolinger, Spokane, had one of his carvings selected by Early American Homes for its annual “Best Santas of the Year” competition. His winning submission was titled Astrophale, the star-placer.

Kristen Grainger, a former Spokane resident, was cited as one of four Women of Achievement at the YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women and Employers in Salem, Ore.

She is president of Grainger and Tresidder, Inc., Government Relations, one of five of 53 Oregon government relations firms owned by women.

Grainger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Grainger, Spokane, is a 1982 graduate of Lewis and Clark High School.

The Spokane Park and Recreation Foundation received the 1996 Organizational Citation of Merit from the Washington Recreation and Park Association. The annual award is given to community organizations which help improve park and recreation systems and programs.

Joshua A. Schneider is now an Eagle Scout with an appointment to West Point.

Schneider, son of Andy and Kim Schneider, Spokane, has been a Scout for nine years and is a member of Troop 2. His Eagle service project was to engineer and construct an information kiosk at Fishtrap Lake for the Bureau of Land Management.

As a Shadle Park High School senior, he is a member of the National Honor Society and Letter Club as well as the varsity football and track teams. He was voted Shadle’s Outstanding Offensive Lineman for 1995 and the 1996 Scholar Athlete of the Year.

Schneider, who received his West Point appointment and cadetship from Rep. George Nethercutt, will be a member of the Class of 2000. He reports for basic training July 1.

Ronda Johnston is a United States National Collegiate Award winner in Mathematics, an honor limited to fewer than 10 percent of all American college students. She is a March graduate of Eastern Washington University.

She is the daughter of Ron and Ellen Johnston, Washtucna, Wash.

Matt Baumann, Chewelah, Wash., received the Stevens County Republican Women’s scholarship.

Baumann, son of Frances and Mary Baumann, Chewelah, is a 1995 graduate of Chewelah High School. A licensed pilot, Baumann is pursuing a career in missionary aviation.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: 2 photos