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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Evergreen Map Left Unchanged By Review Board

From Staff Reports

The proposed city of Evergreen will hit the ballot with its boundaries substantially unchanged.

The state Boundary Review Board decided this week to ignore several requests to make major modifications to the city’s boundaries.

Those requests included pulling a portion of the Greenacres neighborhood on the east side of the proposed city out and putting a development near Barker and Mission into Evergreen’s territory.

Also, the board denied a request to add Terrace View and Sullivan parks to the proposed city. Proponents had hoped the board would allow them to redraw their borders around the two county parks.

The board made only a few minor modifications requested by the county engineer’s office, which included adding a few blocks in the Morningside neighborhood to Evergreen.

The review board voted on the boundary changes in enough time for the incorporation proposal to qualify for the May 21 ballot as hoped for by proponents.

The proposed city of 14,000 is roughly bounded by Evergreen and Barker roads, the Spokane River and 24th Avenue.

It will appear alongside a proposal to incorporate Opportunity, a city of nearly 19,000 people due west of Evergreen.

Land use hearing

The Spokane County hearing examiner next week will consider a controversial commercial development proposed along Harvard Road, north of Interstate 90.

Developer Gene Cohen wants to divide 25 acres he owns on Harvard into five 5-acre chunks. He needs a zoning change to do it.

Cohen envisions small businesses such as bicycle shops, dry cleaners and beauty salons operating in his development.

Some neighbors have expressed concern over increased traffic, lower property values and disruption of their rural lifestyle if the project goes through.

The public hearing will be held Thursday. It begins at 9 a.m. in the downstairs meeting room of the county Public Works Building, 1026 W. Broadway.

Hutton gets new windows

A Spokane window company has donated new windows for the cottages and administration buildings at Hutton Settlement.

The Pella Window Stores made the donation earlier this month. Hutton Settlement, located in the Valley on Argonne Road, is a privately run home for children.

“We feel this is an important contribution to our community,” company president Dale DuPree said in a press release.

University SCOPE to meet

University’s Sheriff’s Community Oriented Policing Effort will hold its monthly public meeting Thursday.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the library at University High School, 10212 E. Ninth.

The topic is safety and first aid. Capt. Stan Cook from Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1 will be the featured speaker.

Pedal to the metal

In case you haven’t noticed, speed limits on Interstate 90 through the Valley have gone up.

Commuters can now drive 70 mph between Pines Road and the Idaho-Washington line.

Between Pines and downtown, it’s 60 mph.

State Department of Transportation officials changed the signs this week, so speed away.

Model show

The First Annual Spokane Spring Model Show and Swap Meet will be held at University City Shopping Center today from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.

The show will include judging of many types of models. Categories include military vehicles, aircraft, automobiles, rail, ships, dioramas, scratch built, and science fiction kits.

Registration is $5 for adults and $1 for junior division entries. The two junior divisions are children ages 12 and younger and 13 to 17.

For more information, call Hands-On Hobbies at 927-3364.

, DataTimes