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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Woman’s Death Third Murder In Five Days Body Discovered By Pedestrian In Downtown Alley On Thursday

A woman found dead in a garbage-strewn alley Thursday is Spokane’s third homicide victim in five days and the 17th this year, police said.

The woman, whose name was not known, was discovered downtown about 7:20 a.m. by a pedestrian on her way to work.

The victim was lying face up on a concrete pad behind the former Mother’s Pub, 230 W. Riverside. She may have been killed late Wednesday or early Thursday, police said.

The woman who discovered the body went to a nearby office and asked employees there to call 911.

Firefighters sent to the scene “thought they were treating a serious assault victim but discovered she was dead,” police spokesman Dick Cottam said.

Detectives and evidence experts spent nearly three hours picking through broken glass, trash and weeds looking for clues.

Police interviewed people who live in an apartment building that overlooks the alley but had no leads late Thursday.

The cause of death was not disclosed. An autopsy is expected to be performed today.

Two other women have been slain in the city since Saturday.

Patty DiBartolo, 39, was shot in the head Saturday night at Lincoln Park during an apparent robbery. Her husband, sheriff’s deputy Tom DiBartolo, was wounded.

On Tuesday, 67-year-old Teresa Gunder was found dead by a police officer inside her West Central apartment. Gunder suffered a severe head wound.

Police have no suspects in either case.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo Map of area

MEMO: The body was identified as JoAnn Flores.

The body was identified as JoAnn Flores.