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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Croatian Town Of Ston Hit By Aftershocks

Compiled From Wire Services

A string of tremors rattled the medieval Croatian town of Ston on Saturday, two days after a strong earthquake leveled many of its stone buildings and left hundreds homeless.

“People are increasingly nervous. Three aftershocks were felt this morning,” a town official, Nikola Djuracic, said early Saturday afternoon. “People are warned not to go back, nor can anyone have access to the area except police and army officials.”

Thursday’s magnitude-6 earthquake was centered near Ston, 25 miles northwest of Dubrovnik and more than 200 miles south of the Croatian capital, Zagreb. Two quakes, with magnitudes 4.6 and 4.9, shook the area early Saturday.