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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Scholars say they’ve never found a human tribe without some legend to explain the origin of fire.

Kentucky Fried Chicken once labeled breasts as keels. For those who cared. But hardly anybody did.

Women who remain single tend to be steadfast, fastidious, intelligent and idealistic. Such is the finding in one study of the matter. Duly recorded in our Love and War man’s files is a finding in a different study of the same matter, to indicate these are exactly the qualities of good matrimonial mates.

One person invented a lens. Then it was 300 years before another person put a lens in front of a lens to invent a telescope. Doesn’t that seem odd to you? Even the brightest minds oftentimes fail to link what becomes obvious to later generations. The can was invented many decades before the can opener. The saddle was invented more than 700 years before the stirrup.

Q. Why were spider farms set up during World War II?

A. To produce silk for optical and gun sight cross hairs.

An expert in table talk - fine food and drink - is a “deipnosophist.”