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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: I have a better idea than using dental floss for sewing on buttons. Try fishing line. I have used it for years to sew pocketbook linings, straps, shoes, umbrellas, nylon lunch bags and buttons. There is more line on a spool, so it will last longer. It’s stronger too. -Norma Wines, Hyattsville, Md.

You sold me, hook, line and hint! -Heloise

Dear Heloise: When sending in a store receipt for a mail-in refund offer, make sure if you charged your purchase to your credit card that you scratch out your account number, which is printed on some receipts.

Not only would your charge number be available, but your name and address could be gotten from the refund offer form. -Dee Caldwell

How right you are! Be sure to check receipts that you throw away too. Dumpster divers look for receipts and can find your credit card number easily. -Heloise

Send your money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, PO Box 795000, San Antonio TX 78279-5000.