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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Olympians Headline Wild Moose Races

Two-time U.S. Olympian and three-time national champion Ben Husaby of Bend, Ore., is expected to lead the field in the Wild Moose Continental Cup races Saturday and Sunday on the Mount Spokane nordic ski trails.

Part of the FIS Continental Cup and Yoko FIS series, the Wild Moose is expected to attract skiers priming for bids to United States and Canadian teams for the 1998 Olympics. Last year’s event drew more than 200 skiers.

In addition to Husaby, other former Olympians expected include Carl Swenson and Suzanne King.

To attract licensed racers 14 and under, a 2.5K course has been set up.

Additionally, 100 or more are expected for the citizen category races.

Competition will be held in both classic (Saturday) and freestyle (Sunday) events.

, DataTimes