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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Manito Greenhouse Takes On Holiday Theme

The Gaiser Conservatory at Manito Park has been turned into a holiday wonderland with Christmas lights, special plants and other decorations.

This is the third year the greenhouse has been decorated for the holidays.

A live Norfolk Island pine under the central dome was hung with paper decorations, which were made by members of Junior Girl Scout Troop 580 of the Shiloh Hills neighborhood on the North Side.

Poinsettias abound. At least five large ones of different colors from 5 feet to 6 feet tall are scattered around the greenhouse.

A group of smaller poinsettias is arranged on a metal rack in the shape of a Christmas tree. Others in pink, cream and golden tones, are set on the plant benches.

Colored lights and glitter decorations have been strung along the ceiling and among the taller plants.

The work was done by Manito gardeners Ann Jackson-Avery and Stephanie O’Byrne in conjunction with the Friends of Manito.

The display will run until New Year’s Day from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. However, the greenhouse will be closed both today and New Year’s Day.

Kerry Wiltzius, coordinator of the friends group, said she is hoping to use volunteers to keep the greenhouse open during holiday evenings next year so that members of the public can view the holiday lights with a dark backdrop.

The display will be even more elaborate next year, she said.

, DataTimes