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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Smart Steps Toward Success In Fitness

Debbie Horn

As you plan to improve your disposition, family relationships, and productivity at work, undoubtedly your mind will wander to your physical health and well-being. Whether your physical fitness goals are focused around lowering your cholesterol or raising your VO2 max, the same simple ingredients for success apply.

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Start small

You might have an end result in mind, but sometimes it can be a daunting and distant desire that becomes too overwhelming to actually attain. Set small goals in the direction of your ultimate idea. This will build momentum and help you tackle more difficult days to come. For example, instead of deciding to lose 10 pounds by March 15, start by committing to healthful eating and 30 minutes of exercise a week for the next two weeks. Then assess your progress and move forward again.

Drink water

Whether your goal is to put on muscle mass or reduce your risk of heart disease, a little H2O can go a long way. Changing your exercise or eating habits can often lead to mild dehydration. The experts say eight 8-ounce glasses a day. This is something you might have to work up to.

Like your other goals, start small. Try having a glass of water before each meal. Once you are doing that regularly, add a glass before bed and one more in the morning when you wake up. Try to have at least one glass 2 hours before your workouts and another during or after your workout. That gets you up to seven glasses; now you just need to find a time for the eighth.

Recruit a buddy

Find family members or friends who want to work on their health and team up. You can call each other for support, encourage each other as you form new healthier habits, and congratulate each other as you achieve your goals.

Write a motto

“Thirty minutes, three times a week.” “Lower sodium = healthier heart.” “Walk and Talk.” The best motto reminds you what you should do and why you have made it a priority in your life. Something short and sweet to get you moving.

Be relentless

Take a look at all the energy you focus into getting projects done at work, getting family events planned, and contributing to the community. Apply that same commitment and relentless desire to your health. Don’t take no for an answer. When you really commit your energy to yourself in the same way you do in other parts of your life, the results will amaze you.