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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Give Input On Plan For Chester Creek Watershed

Deidre Allen

The severity of the flooding this winter in the Chester Creek watershed (which includes the area around Highway 27 and 46th Avenue) prompted local citizens to seek immediate answers and immediate solutions from county commissioners.

Fortunately, the commissioners and county staff listened and responded to those concerns.

Dennis Scott, Public Works director, acknowledged that much of the problem is due to the history of laissez-faire planning by the county that allowed homes to be built in flood prone areas, coupled with neglect of long term maintenance of the Chester Creek channel and adjacent road culverts.

But he also cautioned against a knee-jerk reaction to the problem, pledging instead county cooperation to develop and implement well though out practical solutions that will last.

Insofar as all of us on the Chester Creek Watershed Committee are concerned about the threat of another flood this spring, we recognize the importance of developing a good plan that will address all of the contributing factors, and that it be something we can all live with.

The committee was formed last summer in order to “develop a sound management plan for the Chester Creek Watershed that encompasses practical solutions that will be implemented.” The committee met twice a month and we learned about the physical and biological characteristics of the watershed.

We listened to one another’s perspective on this unique and sometimes troublesome watershed, and we brainstormed solutions to the flooding problems.

The committee has worked hard to understand the many aspects of the flooding problem, and we have put together a draft plan which is ready for community-wide input.

I would like to encourage everyone living in the area of the Chester Creek watershed to attend a public meeting to discuss the draft plan. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the cafeteria at Horizon Junior High, 3915 S. Pines.

If you’re concerned about the flooding, if you want to learn more about the Chester Creek watershed, or if you wish to contribute to your community’s future environmental well-being, then please come to the meeting.
