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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Readers: I save the baked-potato toppings from takeout orders to use to give heartworm pills to my three dogs. All I do is mix it thoroughly, then plop the pill in the middle of a spoonful of toppings,which include cheese, sour cream and bacon bits. J.D., Blackjack and Savvi come running to me for their “treat.” I don’t do this on a daily basis, but since they get the pills only once a month it’s OK to spoil them a bit.

I’ve compiled a pamphlet chock-full of great tips and ideas for dog lovers. For those interested, please send $2 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (55 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Dogs, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio TX 78232-5001. - Heloise

Dear Heloise: Another use for the mates of missing pierced earrings is to use as decorative pins on clothing.

Also, decorated button covers can be used as clothing pins and scarf holders. - A Reader, Beaumont, Texas