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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Exhibit Shows Early Life In Medical Lake

The Medical Lake Historical Society has opened a photo exhibit that traces the development of this small city southwest of Spokane.

The pictures show old buildings, pioneer settlers, the early staff at Eastern State Hospital, and life along the lakeshore.

Part of the exhibit includes advertising labels from the old spas and sanitoriums that dotted the community when Medical Lake possessed mineral waters.

The minerals disappeared from the water by the 1940s, and now the lake is a freshwater body like others in the region.

Early in the century, a salt works distilled the water and sold the extract for $1 a pound. The water contained carbonates, chlorides, sodium silicate, aluminum oxide and potassium sulfate, among other compounds.

Society members said the display went up during the 25th annual Founders Day celebration in June and will be a permanent addition to the council chambers upstairs at City Hall.

Those who want to view the exhibit are asked to call City Hall in Medical Lake and arrange to have a society member meet them at the display to help explain it.

, DataTimes