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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Fuhrman New Godfather To His Niece

Associated Press

Former Los Angeles Police Detective Mark Fuhrman attended Easter Mass here Sunday and was the godfather for his niece’s baptism.

Fuhrman, who lives in Sandpoint, created a bit of a stir among worshippers at Mary Queen of Peace Parish who recognized him when he stood next to family members at the baptismal font.

During the baptism, Fuhrman stood by his relatives. He held the baby after she was baptized.

After the Mass, Fuhrman left with relatives through a side door and was unavailable for comment.

The father of the baby is Fuhrman’s brother.

The Rev. Paul Dalton, pastor of the Roman Catholic church, said Fuhrman’s family told Dalton in advance that Fuhrman would be at the Mass. But Fuhrman’s sister-in-law asked that no advance notice be given, Dalton said.