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Primaveras Packed With Flavor (And Fat)

Rick Bonino Food Editor

You may remember us reporting a few weeks ago that The Spokesman-Review’s reader food panel sampled a trio of frozen pasta primaveras and deemed them all lacking.

After seeing that, a helpful reader called to suggest that we try the Marie Callender’s brand - the only one she had found that was worth buying. Indeed, panel members were impressed by the relatively crisp vegetables and rich, creamy sauce.

And could it have something to do with the fact that Callender’s gets more than half its calories from fat, compared to about one-third for the other brands we tried? Naaah!

Marie Callender’s Fettucini Primavera with Tortellini

Price: $2.75 for 14 ounces, or 2 (1-cup) servings.

Nutrition: 310 calories (55 percent fat calories); 380 milligrams sodium per serving.

Taste: ****

Value: ***

Comments: “Creamy, yet light. Nice, big veggie pieces, and they are even identifiable! Pretty good for a ready-made product.” - Sandy Davidson.

“Veggies decent - flavor good. I could eat a plateful and like it. Fat wins!” - Bob Bates.

, DataTimes MEMO: Products sampled by The Spokesman-Review’s reader food panel are prepared according to package directions. Panelists are not aware of a product’s brand name or price until after they have tasted it. Products are rated from one to five stars for taste and for value, based on quality compared to price.

Products sampled by The Spokesman-Review’s reader food panel are prepared according to package directions. Panelists are not aware of a product’s brand name or price until after they have tasted it. Products are rated from one to five stars for taste and for value, based on quality compared to price.