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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Other Sex Girls Speak Out: Hey, Guys, If You Tell Us You’ll Call…Then Call! And Drop The ‘Chick’ Thing

Darcy Camden, Melissa Amos And Janelle Flegel

Guys. Maybe they really are from Mars.

We hit the streets, asking girls what bothers or confuses them most about guys. We found quite a few girls who sighed and said, “Everything!”

But here are some of the most common male faults, girls cited. Guys, take note.

“I’ll call you later.” Call us crazy, but when a guy tells us he’s going call, we expect him to call. Of course there are a few rare gems who actually do call, but judging from girls’ complaints, they are few and far between. In fact, it sounds as if most guys have a major phone phobia.

Hey! Look up. It happens all too often. Girls, you’re having a conversation with a guy and his eyes are glued to your chest. It’s embarrassing, not to mention rude.

“Guys should look girls in the eye when they’re talking,” said Sarah Ekman, a senior at Central Valley.

It can’t be that difficult guys, just make eye contact; show girls the respect they deserve and it may save you from being branded a pervert among women.

Do you see feathers and wings on us? Why do you keep calling us “chicks”? What is so difficult about using our names when you talk to us? Do you just momentarily forget and have to call us “chick” or “woman?”

“It’s not meant in a derogatory way,” said Mike Kreiger, a junior, attempting to explain.

You may not mean to offend us, but you do.

Also, nix the cat calls and the whistling or any other rude, offensive behavior. We hate it.

Pull up your pants! What is this unspoken “no belt” rule? Nobody wants to see your boxers hanging out or your pants down around your knees. You don’t see girls walking around with their underwear sticking three inches above their waistline. Who started this trend, and how the heck did it work its way in to mainstream fashion? Seemingly, the only good that can come of it is the validity that you change your underwear on a fairly regular basis.

Everywhere we look we see your shorts flashing us. It’s not easy to carry on a decent conversation with someone if their underwear is hanging out.

What day is today? OK, the No. 1 rule, boyfriends, is you must remember a girl’s birthday or any other important day, such as Valentine’s Day (hint: it’s Feb. 14).

We don’t need big, expensive presents. We just need to know you care enough to remember. A simple card or a flower or a little candy is more than enough to show you care.

Open up.Why is it so hard for guys to show emotion or just talk to us?

Don’t misunderstand us here. Girls don’t want a guy who is crying all the time or forever droning on about their feelings (yuck). But, girls like to have some clue as to what you’re thinking and most of the time we can’t even guess. That tough guy act wears thin after a while.

Guys just don’t know what to say, and when to say it. They talk when we want them to listen and are silent when we want them to talk. We like guys who know when to speak up and when to shut up.

Girls like someone they can joke with, talk with and have fun with. We like someone who is strong and considerate, not someone who is putting on an act or showing off all the time.

One guy summed it up: “Guys are just stupid.”

Nah, you’re not stupid, you just need a little help.

If you just listen, girls usually will give you the guidance you need. Treat us with respect and dignity as a general rule and everything else will fall into place.
