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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Racing champion Emerson Fittipaldi, who fractured his lower back when his small plane crashed in a swamp, will have surgery in Miami.

Jammi German’s troubled football career with the Miami Hurricanes officially came to a close when the NCAA refused his appeal to play his senior season.

Juniors Shaun Stonerook and Jermaine Tate and sophomore Trent Jackson were kicked off the Ohio State University basketball team by first-year coach Jim O’Brien for what he said was their “failure to live up to their obligations as student-athletes.”

Former Virginia basketball player Courtney Alexander, who was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend last month, said he is transferring to Fresno State.

The Argentine Football Association was ordered by Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio not to ban Diego Maradona from playing while charges of drug use by the soccer superstar are being investigated.

Steffi Graf is scheduled to return to competitive tennis in an exhibition at Baltimore on Nov. 25.