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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Office Building Planned Developers Request Rezone For View Site Near Sunset Blvd. Bridge

A Spokane architectural firm is seeking a rezone to build a new office structure on property near the Sunset Boulevard Bridge.

The site overlooks Latah Creek and would provide great views from office windows, said Gary Connor of 3-E Design Group. The creek runs through a gorge 150 feet below the property.

Connor said the commercial neighborhood at the foot of the Sunset Hill has suffered from urban decay in past years but may be ready for a renewal as growth increases west of downtown.

“I think we are seeing some very positive development on upper Sunset Hill,” Connor said. That development may extend to the lower part of the hill in the future, he added.

Connor is leading a limited liability corporation that wants to rezone the eight lots at Sunset and Lindeke for business use. Six of the lots are zoned for residential use, and the other two are currently designated for business.

City Hearing Examiner Greg Smith is considering the application following a public hearing at City Hall last week.

The developers had to assure the city their land-use design could handle storm-water runoff without causing erosion or spilling water into the street.

Engineers also were hired to make recommendations on building techniques that will be suitable and safe for the sloping property.

Connor said his group envisions an office building as large as 10,000 square feet housing the architectural firm and possibly a second tenant.

The developers did not submit a site plan with the application for the rezone.

They purchased the property from the former owners, Peyton Bell and Kenneth Hylton.

, DataTimes