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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

911 Call Delivers For Impatient 7-Pound Boy Emergency Crew Says Teamwork Saved The Day For Mom In Labor

Virginia De Leon Staff writer

The last time Karrie Turner gave birth, she was in labor for hours.

So she took her time when the contractions started early Saturday.

Turner calmly called her mother-in-law to arrange for her to watch her kids.

At 5:30 a.m., she and her husband, Robert, were ready to drive to the hospital.

But Baby No. 4 didn’t want to wait.

Turner’s contractions were suddenly only two minutes apart.

Then her water broke.

“I felt the baby’s head, and I knew we wouldn’t make it,” she said.

So they called 911.

With the help of three firefighters and two paramedics, Spencer Bruce Paul Turner was born on the bathroom floor in his northwest Spokane home.

Mother and newborn were taken to Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Spencer weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds, 4 ounces.

“(The paramedics) were so wonderful,” Karrie Turner said.

“They were really calm and doing a good job.”

It was a team effort, said Jerry Brooks, who credits co-worker Ron Klinger with catching the baby.

“It makes you feel really good,” said Brooks, who has helped deliver five babies in the last 15 years.

“When we answer a call, 99 percent of the time, someone’s in trouble. This is the opposite.”

, DataTimes